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Desain lan klasifikasi struktur poros


Poros (poros) iku sawijining barang silinder sing ngliwati tengah bantalan utawa tengah rodha utawa tengah gear, nanging uga ana sawetara sing kothak. Poros minangka bagean mekanik sing ndhukung lan muter kanthi bagean puteran kanggo ngirim gerakan, torsi utawa momen mlengkung. Umumé, iku ing wangun rod babak logam, lan saben bagean bisa duwe diameteripun beda. Bagian sing nggawe gerakan rotary ing mesin dipasang ing poros.
Dhuwur Presisi Stainless Steel Solid Shafts
High Precision Stainless Steel Solid Shafts

rancangan struktural

The structural design of the shaft is an important step in determining the reasonable shape and overall structural dimensions of the shaft. It consists of the type, size and position of the parts installed on the shaft, the fixing method of the parts, the nature, direction, size and distribution of the load, the type and size of the bearing, the blank of the shaft, the manufacturing and assembly process, installation and transportation, and the shaft. deformation and other factors. The designer can design according to the specific requirements of the shaft. If necessary, several plans can be compared to select the design plan. The following are the general design principles of the shaft structure: 1. Save material, reduce weight, and try to use equal strength dimensions or The cross-sectional shape with a large section coefficient; 2. It is easy to accurately locate, stabilize, assemble, disassemble and adjust the parts on the shaft; 3. Adopt various structural measures to reduce stress concentration and improve strength; 4. It is convenient for processing and manufacturing and guarantees precision.

Klasifikasi Axis

Shaft umum bisa dipérang dadi crankshafts, shafts straight, shaft fleksibel, shaft padhet, shaft berongga, shaft kaku, lan shaft fleksibel (shaft fleksibel) miturut wangun struktur saka shaft. Poros lurus bisa dipérang manèh dadi: ① Poros puteran, sing nduweni momen mlengkung lan torsi sajrone karya, minangka poros sing paling umum ing mesin, kayata poros ing macem-macem reducer. ②Mandrel digunakake kanggo ndhukung bagean puteran lan mung nanggung wayahe mlengkung tanpa ngirim torsi. Sawetara mandrels muter, kayata as saka kendaraan railway, lan sawetara mandrels ora muter, kayata shafts ndhukung pulleys. ③ Poros transmisi utamané digunakake kanggo ngirim torsi tanpa prewangan wayahe mlengkung, kayata sumbu optik dawa ing mekanisme obah saka crane, drive poros mobil, etc. Bahan saka batang utamané baja karbon utawa baja alloy , lan wesi ulet utawa wesi wesi wesi uga bisa digunakake. Kemampuan kerja poros umume gumantung saka kekuatan lan kekakuan, lan uga gumantung saka stabilitas getaran ing kacepetan dhuwur.

Xiamen LeiFeng minangka supplier profesional ing China kanthi pengalaman 20 taun kanggo ngasilake jinis Shafts, nampa layanan khusus, OEM / ODM olèh. Yen sampeyan duwe conto utawa gambar, bisa hubungi kanggo njaluk rega.

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